Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy perfectly complements chiropractic adjustments. Many chiropractors include it in the services that they provide. Dr. Paige Whitfield and the team at Galloway Chiropractic in the Northwest Houston area of Cypress and Jersey Village offer various types of massage to meet each patient's needs. Therapeutic massages allow patients to get physical and mental relief. 

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage treats the tissues deep below the skin. It uses slow strokes, friction movement, or deep pressure to target the areas of tension and pain. When people have tight or injured soft tissues there are usually adhesions. These are areas in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons that are rigid and painful. The point of deep tissue massage is to break up these areas and allow the circulation to get back to normal. It is more vigorous than traditional massages that focus on relaxation. 

Sports massage

Sports massage is a deep tissue massage with a focus on the muscles an athlete uses the most, depending on their sport. It is used to prepare an athlete for their workout or competition and afterward to work out any pains or injuries that occur. It is popular with many professional and amateur athletes in Houston, TX, to maximize their performance and reduce the chance of injury. 

Hot stone massage

A hot stone massage is the ultimate in relaxation. Basalt stones are warmed and placed on the body, and they produce the result you would expect when heat is placed on muscles. The stones may also be used to provide the massage, which for those who prefer a hands-off massage, offers a wonderfully relaxing option. This is so relaxing that patients have been known to fall asleep. 

Prenatal massage

Pregnancy comes with its own anxiety and stress, but prenatal massage can relax the mother and provide a sense of well-being. It can help to reduce muscle aches and joint pain. It has been shown to improve labor outcomes and be beneficial to the health of the baby. Swedish massage is the type of massage that is recommended for prenatal massage. 

Swedish massage

Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and is the most commonly used massage technique. It uses a combination of light and firm strokes to produce deep relaxation and pain relief. Oil may be used in this method to reduce friction. 

Contact Dr. Whitfield and the team at Galloway Chiropractic when you need massage therapy in Houston, TX. To schedule an appointment, give our office a call at 281-890-4828. 

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